Date: 1. - 2.09.2022
Location: Abbe Center of Photonics
Albert-Einstein-Straße 6
07745 Jena
Language: German/English
We cordially invite you to participate in the two-day workshop of the Innovation Forum "2D-Mat-Net" in Jena.
During this event, the great potential of 2D materials (including graphene, atomically thin semiconductors, and molecular nanomembranes) for innovations in various technological areas will be presented and discussed by renowned experts from academia and industry. The topics include bioanalytics, energy storage/conversion, photonics, optoelectronics as well as filtration and hydrogen technologies.
A special program event is the social get-together/dinner in the Botanical Garden of the University of Jena. Therewith, the workshop offers a unique opportunity for learning about current developments in the area of 2D materials, networking with industrial and academic partners, and getting involved in the development of the 2D-Mat-Net roadmap.
Funding opportunities on the state, federal, and EU levels will be elucidated during the workshop as well, which can enable the realization of your innovative project ideas.
Thanks to the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) your participation is free of charge. In order to provide you with effective discussions and exchange, the number of participants is limited to approx. 80 persons.
The binding registration for the workshop can be found hereExternal link, and the current workshop program is presented below.
We look forward to welcoming you on the 1st of September 2022 in Jena!
Day 1, 1.09.2022
Time | Program |
from 12:00 |
Registration, snacks and beverages |
13:00 |
Opening and Welcome
13:30 |
Overview of the „2D-Mat-Net“ activities |
13:50 |
Graphene manufacturing and integration into applications |
14:20 | 2D materials for future heterogeneous electronics Prof. Dr. Max Lemme, RWTH Aachen University, RWTH AMO GmbH |
14:50 |
Graphene neural interfaces for medical applications |
15:20 | Coffee break and exhibition |
16:00 |
Keynote speeches from the industry (15 + 5 min each) The use of graphene as an anticorrosive additive Industrial perspective on material development for high-power energy storage |
17:00 |
Transition to the parallel interactive workshops |
17:10 - 18:20 |
Parallel interactive workshops on the topics of "Sensors" and "Energy Storage and Conversion" |
19:00 - 22:00 |
Get-together and dinner at the Botanical Garden of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
Day 2, 2.09.2022
Time | Program |
08:55 |
Welcome |
09:00 |
Funding opportunities in Horizont Europa |
09:20 |
Federal "Research and Innovation" funding advice |
09:40 |
Funding opportunities in Thuringia and Support Programs of the LEG Thuringia |
10:00 |
Keynote speeches from the industry (15 + 5 min each) A perfect match for high-speed modulation: Complementing Silicon photonics with taylor-made electro-optic materials Current Developments in Large-Scale Production of 2D-Materials Filtration mit Carbon Nanomembranen |
11:00 |
Coffee break and exhibition |
11:30 | Parallel interactive workshops on the topics of "Filtration and H2 Technologies" and "Photonics" Chair: Prof. Dr. Ingolf Voigt (Filtration and H2-Technologies) und Dr. Falk Eilenberger (Photonics) |
12:40 |
Transition to the plenary hall |
12:45 |
Wrap-up and a draft of the "2D-Mat-Net" roadmap |
13:00 | End of the event and farewell |